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  • Don’t Worry and Be Happy

    Fear is a great way to control people. A fearful population will let you take away their freedoms or do just about anything for the promise of safety. It’s difficult to not be afraid in a culture set on scaring you 24/7. Watching the news can mentally send you to a place of impending doom.…

  • Today is Not Forever

    Life on earth can be very painful. People tell you everything will be okay. What does okay even mean? Will it ever be okay that my child or someone I love is dead? Will it be okay that I have a permanent sickness or disability? Will it be okay that I lost a relationship I…

  • Words Hurt

    Some of us are old enough to remember getting disciplined with a bar of soap in the mouth “Christmas Story Ralphie style,” when we said bad, or mean words. Today, the soap bar might be missing, but our mouth can still spout things that get us into hot water. Our mouth is like a runaway…