Don’t Worry and Be Happy



Fear is a great way to control people. A fearful population will let you take away their freedoms or do just about anything for the promise of safety. It’s difficult to not be afraid in a culture set on scaring you 24/7. Watching the news can mentally send you to a place of impending doom. The unknown can look scary for sure, maybe that’s why Jesus said, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” The answer is no one. As a famous preacher once said, “Worrying is simply not trusting God for the result.”  But still, many of us worry, it’s always been a part of the human experience. Let’s take a virtual journey back to some possible First Century headlines and see if this would have set you on edge a bit, along with possible dinner-side comments:

Government Leader Haman Finishes Gallows Construction Project, His Enemies Brace for the Worst

“You hear that Martha, they are coming for us just you wait and see. That Haman man has the King’s ear.”

Nineveh Army Demonstrates Ruthless Warfare, Judean Local Resident Goes Missing
“That army will destroy us Martha, I wonder if they are behind that man Jonah who went missing?”

Famine Hits Judea, Citizens Fear Starvation

“We are all going to die Leah, we will have to send our boys to Egypt, but don’t send Benjamin because most likely they will die there.”

Israel / Phillistine Battle Stalemate as Saul’s Army Trembles Over Leader Goliath and His Army

“That army is too big for us to take; I have it on good authority from the soldiers. Even our largest man wouldn’t stand a chance against the mighty Goliath.”

Military Leader Gideon Sends Two-Thirds of His Army Home Endangering the City, Strategists Question His Mental State

“Who in their right mind would put that man in charge of an army? We will lose for sure.”

These events, as we now know, are only part of the story, God was at work in all these situations, and the outcomes were different than anyone could have predicted. We need to forgo worrying about tomorrow because of today’s headlines. It is misspent energy and blinds us to what God is doing today.

When we obsess about the startling events surrounding us, we cease to trust God for the result, bringing about the worry Jesus warned about. We frantically look for human solutions for heavenly concerns. Peace comes when we remember the battle belongs to the Lord.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

 In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.

What can mere mortals do to me?

Psalm 56:3-4

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