What Not to Do in 2022



  1. Don’t be impulsive. When there is a decision to be made; sleep on it. Give your mind time to process and weigh benefits and consequences. As Christians we pray for wisdom and seek God’s will on every situation.
  2. Don’t choose the easy way. The easy way is usually the hardest way in disguise. Things that are valuable require work and sacrifice. It’s best to go through a problem instead of around it.
  3. Don’t ignore good advice. It matters who you consult with, so pick people that share your values. You don’t get marriage advice from someone who has been divorced four times or financial advice from a person who can’t stay out of debt. As believers we seek God’s word first.
  4. Don’t say things you’ll regret. This means not saying the first thing that comes into your mind. You can’t put poop back into a horse. Words matter.
  5. Don’t do things that the Bible warns against. The only way to know this is to read the Bible daily. It can save you a lot of heartaches in the future. Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

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