You Deserve a Hallmark Moment



As we celebrate Valentine’s Day I’m reminded of the entertainment differences between my wife and me. She’s thinking flowers, I’m thinking guns. She’s imagining a classy dinner out, I’m hoping for a grilled steak at home. My wife enjoys romance movies, whereas I’m interested in scenes featuring explosions. What can I say, I’m a guy. 

But I’m not so insensitive that I can’t appreciate the idea that lovers all deserve at least one Hallmark moment in life; and my wife and I have had many. They just don’t look like the ones on TV…they are better. Our Hallmark moments have been:

  • Biking on the coast and walking the dog at home
  • Honeymooning in Hawaii and grocery shopping at Walmart
  • Buying a new car and staying up with sick children
  • Moving into a new home and grieving over lost parents 

Hallmark moments are funny things, they basically involve doing life together with the one you love, some moments are fun and exciting, while others are not. The memory making moments are filled with the good and the bad, the successes and the failures. Some moments you wouldn’t want to repeat, but you wouldn’t want to miss either. It’s life, messy and memorable. I reminisce upon our 33 years of marriage together with gratefulness, and look forward to another holiday spent with the love of my life. I pray that you too will have Hallmark moments, as you embrace all the events that happen as you do life together.

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